Cultural routes

Our journey through the culture of Lleida

Routes to discover castles, monasteries, artistic legacies, wild nature or stories to dive in. In Lleida there are as many roads to take as you wish to know. Heritage, history and nature are the pieces that make up a fascinating puzzle. Know this land in depth with our suggested cultural routes, discover the Lands of Lleida from another perspective. You will not regret!

Route of the “Camí dels Bons Homes”

Converted into GR-107, it runs along the migration routes used by the Cathars between the 12th and 14th centuries when they fled from the persecution of the crusade. In Cerdanya it runs from the Pendís port (Bellver de Cerdanya) through Prullans, La Llosa valley (Lles de Cerdanya) to Portella Blanca.

  • Cover different municipalities and is designed to be done in several stages.
  • To see: landscapes, mountains and meadows where those men and women of the Middle Ages made a linving, between Berguedà, Cerdanya and Alt Urgell .
  • More info:

Route of the Castles

The Lands of Lleida were for two centuries the boundary between two civilizations: the Arab world and the Christian world. From that time a few castles have remained as timeless witnesses. Scattered over a good part of the Lleida lands, they are not immense fortresses, but they are majestic and well-preserved, usually built on top of the hills to guarantee the security of the border areas and as a display of power.

  • Discover those castles in different regions: La Noguera, Urgell, La Segarra, Pallars jussà and Les Garrigues
  • You must see the castles of Montsonís, Montclar, Florejacs, Les Pallaguers, Concabella, Vicfred, and Formós.

“Perseguits i salvats” route

As Followed and saved route. Tracing the escape routes of the Jews through the Pyrenees of Lleida is what this itinerary is about. Follow those old roads now recovered and marked. History, nature and sport go hand by hand in this interesting project.

  • Through the regions of Val d´Aran, Alta Ribagorça, Pallars Sobirà, Alt Urgell and Cerdanya.
  • To see: Artiga de Lin Cabin or the “Guardia Civil” barracks -One of the Spanish Police forces-.

Route of the “Game of Checkers”

A route also filled with history, but this time about what happened in Pallars during the 11th and 12th centuries. You will learn the secrets of its main castles, churches and monasteries as if it were a game of checkers.

  • Located in Pallars region.
  • To see: Castle and Colegiate Church of Mur, Old Monastery of Santa María de Gerri, Monastery of Sant Pere del Burgal and Santa María de Àneu.
  • More info:

If our selection has not been enough, we encourage you to take a look at those other routes: Ara Lleida publications. Follow the footsteps of Picasso, know the cave art of the province or discover “Caminos de Fuego” -Fire roads-.