Long distance routes GR

The Long Distance routes welcome you to Lleida

Long distance route GR

The Long Distance Routes open the door to discover Lleida in all its beauty. In the Lleida Pyrenees you can practice all kinds of hiking and trekking routes for much of the year. Routes having different levels of complexity and meant for all ages.

You can choose between routes of low difficulty through the plains, valleys and mountains of low altitude, or of medium-high difficulty in some areas of the high Pyrenees of Lleida. These GR -Gran Recorrido: Long distance- routes that we show below will be the perfect ally to discover natural and heritage places of the Lleida territory. The magic of nature, culture and the hospitality of the people is hidding in every corner of the Pyrenees and the Lands of Lleida .

Long Distance Routes

The Lands of Lleida have a guide through which to discover the different GR routes that you can find in the area. Access the entire document here: www.aralleida.cat/Pas_a_pas/

  • GR-1: Historic Trail . This path crosses the entire Iberian Peninsula from east to west for 255 kilometers. The section that goes through Lleida passes through the regions of Solsonès, Alt Urgell, La Noguera and Pallars Jussà, specifically through Sant Llorenç de Morunys, Oliana, Coll de Comiols, Camarasa reservoir, Àger, Canelles reservoir, Mont-rebei gorge and Pont de Montanyana.
  • GR-3: Vidrà – Tàrrega . Circular itinerary starting and ending in the city of Lleida that runs through a good number of Catalan regions and connects with most of the Catalan GRs.
  • GR-7: La Farga de Moles . It is the first long-distance route marked out in Spain and goes from Andorra to Tarifa . It passes through La Farga de Moles, continues through La Seu d’Urgell, Tuixent, Coll de Port, Sant Llorenç de Morunys, Pla de Riart, Lladurs, Solsona, El Miracle and continues through the province of Barcelona.
  • GR-11: Pyrenean Trail . Trail runs from the Cantabrian Sea to the Mediterranean in about 825 kilometers linking Euskadi, Navarra, Aragón, Andorra and Catalonia.
  • GR-107/GR-7: Ruta dels Bons Homes. Walk the migration routes used by the Cathars between the 12th and 14th centuries. There are 198 kilometers between Catalonia and the Ariège (France).
  • GR-150: Around Cadí mountain range. Circular path, about 150 kilometers long, that goes around the Cadí-Moixeró Natural Park . During the itinerary it goes through various natural sites of the park: Moixeró, Cadí, Pedraforca, Tosa and Puigllançada.
  • GR-171: Sanctuary of Pinós-Refugio del Caro . This path crosses a good part of the west and the south of Catalonia, linking areas of great natural beauty and some of the main historical sites of the country. It was born as a variation of the GR 7 and links the Pinós sanctuary with the Caro refuge for almost 300 kilometers.
  • GR-211: Circular Val d’Aran . This tour allows you to discover the wonderful landscapes of the area, rich in architecture with towns full of tradition and own culture. It’s based on 93 kilometers and six stages.